Meet Anouk


Growing up in the province of Quebec, I was introduced to osteopathy in my teenage years. Sessions would leave me calm, centred and more importantly, free of the discomfort and pain I would be complaining about. The slight touch of the therapist left me wondering how so little could do so much. I was later suffering from a series of concussions from snowboarding and a physically intense lifestyle and was left with years of headaches and brain fog. It was only after I consulted with an osteopathic practitioner that my symptoms went away and that, 5 years after the accidents. From that time onward I knew I wanted to help people the same way I was helped, with an holistic and natural approach.

Before I started my journey to studying Human Kinetics and later Osteopathy, my mother, who is a dedicated to “self-work” took me under her wing and together we attended courses and conferences in the field of New Medicine, a German form of psychosomatic medicine that identifies correlations between physical symptoms, our brain, and emotional distress in our lives. We also attended courses in trans-generational trauma, intra-uterine trauma, epigenetics, bioanalogy, geobiology, shamanism, rebirth therapy, family constellations, life regressions, the Heart/Math solution, the study of chakras, the kabbalah and more. This wealth of alternative knowledge shaped my beliefs that the human body is made of “layers” of intellectual, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical and that “health” can only be achieved when there is balance and congruence in these “layers”.


I have been very fortunate to be taken under the wing of great osteopaths, and this, from very early on in my journey. When I was in second year of the Osteopathy program, I worked under an amazing team of renowned French Osteopaths while volonteering at the EHEO (Enfants Handicapés Espoirs Ostéopathiques) in Paris, France, an association that provides free osteopathic treatments for children with various handicaps such as down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism and more. I also started assisting osteopaths in Calgary when I was in my third year of schooling therefore I have been using osteopathy as my sole modality for 10 years. During the writing process of my thesis “The Cause and Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Newborn by Osteopaths Specialized in Pediatrics: A qualitative Study”, I travelled across Canada to assist osteopaths who specialized in the treatment of infants and children. This experience left me very eager to help them be free of problems that later can affect their development both motor and physiological that can later prevent the expression of their full potential as adults.


I am an avid outdoors woman. Since I moved to British Columbia in 2003, I have dedicated my free time to experiencing nature as a way to feeling connected to the world and its inhabitants, humans, animals, plants and elements. My life interests have moved from snowboarding and rock climbing to sailing, free diving and paddle boarding.

I love gardening, growing food, making conserves for the winter, knitting stuff, sewing, making home renovations, meeting with friends and travelling.

Anouk’s Qualifications

  • Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice, Canadian School of Osteopathy, Vancouver (5 years program+thesis presentation)

  • Thesis project: The Cause and Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Newborn by Osteopath Specialized in Pediatrics: a Qualitative Study

  • Diploma in Human Kinetic, Exercise Science, College of the Rockies

  • CSEP-CPT (Canadian Society of Exercises Physiologist, Certified Personal Trainer

  • Standard First Aid and CPR C

  • Perinatal Osteopathy and the Spirit of the Structure, Francois Amigues, IDEAL Society

  • Minimal Lever Mid Range Spinal and Extremity Joint Manipulation Course, Daryl Herbert, British School Of Osteopathy

  • Advance Treatment of Concussion, Canadian School of Osteopathy

  • Advance Treatment of Thyroid Dysfunctions, Canadian School of Osteopathy

  • Advance Treatment of The Male Gynecological Sphere, Canadian School of Osteopathy

  • Neuroscience Applied to Osteopathy, Canadian School of Osteopathy

  • The Mechanical Link: LMO 1 (Spine and Thorax), LMO 5 (Cardiovascular System)

  • MNRI- Dynamic and Postural Reflexes 1 and 2 (Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Method)

  • MNRI- Archetype 1 (Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Method)

  • Biokinetic and Biodynamic In Osteopathy, Rene Brien, Level 1 and 2, Collège d’Étude Ostéopathique de Montréal

  • Endocranial Spasms: Spasm 1 (Traumatic), Spasm 2 (Emotional), Spasm 3 (Trans-generational) Canadian School of Osteopathy

  • Osteopathy and it’s role in Supporting women with endometriosis, a pillar of the integrative approach. (Online presentation, OsteopathyBC, SPMPO)

Get started with Anouk, today.