Anouk Sanchez Osteopathy is moving its Nanaimo location to 376 Selby Street starting August 1st, 2024.


Are you tired of living with chronic pain, limited mobility, have tried many treatment modalities with limited resolution or simply feeling unbalanced and need support going through a difficult time? Look no further! Anouk Sanchez Osteopathy is here to provide you with a patient-centred practice that focuses on finding the best holistic treatment solution based on the modality of Osteopathy. With my extensive knowledge and expertise in osteopathy, I am dedicated to helping you regain optimal health and well-being.

  • Meet Anouk Sanchez, DOMP

    I am an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner (DOMP) who graduated from the Canadian School of Osteopathy, Manual Practice in Vancouver, in 2015. This campus is part of the CEO-CSO-CCO group of colleges that have their founding at The Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal, the first Osteopathic College to open in Canada. The CEO-CSO-CCO follows the World Health Organization guidelines for the training of osteopathic practitioners which holds the highest standards. I am a member of Osteopathy BC which is also part of the Canadian Federation of Osteopaths. I have a Diploma in Human Kinetic-Exercise Science from the College of the Rockies and part of the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiologist as a Certified Personal Trainer CSEP-CPT.

    My sessions are provided both in English or French.

The philosophy of osteopathy acknowledges that the body is an interdependent unit in which all systems have an impact on and depend on each other. As a result, an osteopathic manual practitioner takes into account not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, and other systems when assessing and treating a patient. By addressing imbalances or dysfunctions in these interconnected systems, osteopathic manual practitioners aim to ease symptoms, alleviate pain, and promote the body's natural ability to heal itself. Rather than concentrating solely on symptom management, this approach aims to address the underlying causes.

About Osteopathy

Andrew Taylor Still, Founder of Osteopathy

William Sutherland, DO, Craniosacral Osteopathy

Viola Frymann, DO, Researcher in the field of Pediatrics in Osteopathy

Treatment Modalities

The following modalities are used during your osteopathic session depending on the goal of the session, the general state of your system and the evaluation performed at the beginning of your session with Anouk. These techniques are not performed on demand but rather used in a tailored fashion based on your body’s needs.

  • Cranio-Sacral refers to the gentle techniques used to treat the cranio-sacral system. Through the protective membranes of the brain that extends down the spine around the spinal cord, the cranium (head) becomes mechanically and functionally connected to the sacrum and the pelvis. These techniques address tensions around the nervous system and help the proper regulation of all the systems.

  • A gentle therapy that focuses of the ligamentous suspension of the viscera (organs) and of their proper mobility and motility within themselves and with their surrounding organs, mechanical structures (bones and muscles), blood, nerves and lymphatics vessels.

  • Various techniques used to address dysfunctions of the joints. From energetical impulses to low amplitude low velocity adjustment

  • Myofascial techniques are a collection of soft tissue manipulations including the fascias, ligaments, and muscles. The result is relaxation of muscles, increased blood and fluid circulation and increased range of motion locally, regional and/or globally.

  • This modality targets the more subtle systems of the body. The practitioner uses the vital forces of the body and the external forces around us to increase energetic balance and flow.

  • It is a form of manual therapy, widely used in Osteopathy, that uses a muscle’s own energy in the form of gentle isometric contractions to relax the muscles via autogenic or reciprocal inhibition and lengthen the muscle. MET is an active technique in which the patient is also an active participant. MET is based on the concepts of Autogenic Inhibition and Reciprocal Inhibition.

  • The fluidic protocol is a palpation skill more than a technique in itself. The practitioner access the interstitial fluids in the body and assess locally, regionally or globally whether or not they can circulate freely. This skill can be applied to any area in the body and helps with fluid stagnation and congestion which in turn can help relieve a variety of ailments, from concussions to joint pain.

  • As part of most osteopathic session, we discuss the physical activities and habits of the patient to know if any movement or exercise that is practiced regularly is incorrectly performed and therefore contributing to the problem addressed throughout the session. This exercise knowledge and prescription is based on the teaching of exercise science from the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiologists.

Common Reasons for Consultation

  • Chronic Pain and Injury


    Car Accidents

    Sports Injuries


    Lower back pain/Neck Pain

    Muscle tears/strains

    Joints sprains

    Assist in rehabilitation of injuries


  • Pediatric Care

    Difficult Birth


    Gastro Esophageal Reflux


    Latching/Suckling/Breast feeding issues

    Primary Reflexes and Motor Development

    Plagiocephaly (Flat head)


    Excessive hickups


  • Women's Health

    Irregular periods

    Painful periods

    Excessive bleeding

    Hormonal dysregulation

    Fertility issues

    Pain with intercourse

    Pain related to sexual trauma



  • Post Surgery Care

    Preparation for surgery

    Fascial work on scars immediately after surgery or years after

    Abdominal scar/Laparoscopy procedure scars

    Arthroscopic scars (joint surgeries)

    Dysregulation in Central Nervous System after general anesthesia


  • Digestive and Pelvic Problems

    Heart burns

    Difficulty swallowing


    Discomfort after eating




  • Ear, Nose and Throat

    Chronic Sinus infection

    Chronic ear infections/Pain


    Excessive mucous

    TMJ pain

    Teeth clenching/grinding

    Uneven bite

    Clicking in jaw

    Braces support

    Dental procedure/Extraction recovery help


  • Stress and Anxiety

    Sleeping issues



    Feeling tight in chest

    Feeling tight in neck and shoulder

    Life dysregulation due to stress

    Feeling like body cannot take it anymore or that something is wrong after a bout of stress

    Emotional/Psychological/ Childhood trauma


  • “I came to Anouk after a recommendation from my sister. I have had painful periods since I was 11, and where medication failed, Anouk managed to help me. I had my first non-painful period for the first time ever just a week after seeing Anouk, and it was AMAZING. I had no idea what to expect when going in, but I was pleasantly surprised by Anouk’s expertise, knowledge, and skillset. I’ve already recommended her to several friends!”

    -Sarah A. L

  • “I initially seeked out osteopathy with Anouk for an autoimmune disease I have that affects my colon. I wanted to work with a body worker that sees the body as a whole and could possibly help. The first session was amazing. Not only did she help create relief but I left feeling very relaxed. I continued to see her and after a few very interesting conversations around the brain body connection I knew I needed my daughter to see her as well. My daughter has been seeing Anouk since she was 11 years old (currently 14yrs old) and she's made a big difference with her brain body connection and overall stiffness. She's the only bodyworker my daughter will see and asks to go back regularly. She will say "Mom, I need Anouk's magic hands" and that basically sums it up (she has magic hands). Anouk is an intelligent, sensitive and comprehensive practitioner and I highly recommend her services. Thank you Anouk for all that you do for us. “

    -Lauren & Stella R.

  • “Through her attentiveness, her professionalism and her in-depth expertise, Anouk greatly contributed to my recovery with my concussion and continues to be an important resource person in my health journey. She personalizes each meeting and I feel that she sincerely cares about the well-being of her patients. Without hesitation, I recommend her often to friends, colleagues or family members. Thank you for everything!”

    -Marie-Pier BC.

  • “Anouk brings years of experience and knowledge, and a calm, steady and kind energy to her practice that is very reassuring. She works on deep levels in the body bringing releases that lead to healing. I have had more ease in movement and have recovered more quickly from injuries thanks to her treatments. I highly recommend Anouk as an osteopath and have referred many friends to her over the last five years.”

    -Jen C.

  • “I started seeing Anouk after my wife convinced me that my physiotherapy sessions had plateaued. I had a tear in my Achilles tendon after a biking accident and the surgery left me with a tight scar that would prevent my ankle from flexing my ankle even after a year of consistent physiotherapy treatment. Anouk released the scar using really gentle manipulations. I regained almost 100% of the range of motion in my ankle within 3 sessions and my lower back, which I hadn’t even realized how dysfunctional it was, regained mobility I had not experienced since I was in my 20s. Since these initial sessions, I consult with Anouk every 2 or 3 months for injury prevention. I feel great, I sleep well and feel very balanced.” Thank for your help, Anouk!”

    -Matt C.

Get started with Anouk.